Dear Diary

a 4 week class to guide you in cultivating a writing practice, finding your own voice, learning tools of resistance & community, & getting curious, every day

Dear Diary Class

over 4 1.5 hr sessions, we’ll make and talk about diaries. diaries as artifacts, as acts of resistance, as outsider art, as daily companions, as survival, as silly and boring and anti-capitalist and, most importantly, an extreme act of hope.

class is focused on excavating our own experiences, talking about class materials, doing writing/art/creative prompts, cheerleading each other’s efforts, and being curious. sometimes there will be a little homework that you never have to do, but will always reward you if you do it!


🌻 Sundays Jan 12-Feb 2

2pm-3:30pm CST

🌻 Wednesdays Jan 15-Feb 5

7:30-9pm CST

Choose whichever session makes sense for you over in the price dropdown!

Derek Jarman’s diary, 1989

what you get when you sign up:

🌻 writing prompts

🌻 cool weird homework

🌻 a reading/listening/watching list

🌻 a community of people to make art & grow with

🌻 additional resources & threads for continuing your diary practice

🌻 lifetime access to the materials and recordings from class

A still from Jafar Panahi’s diary-film, This Is Not A Film (2011)

who is this class for?

anyone stuck in a rut. anyone who wants to get better at writing, but can’t figure it out. anyone starting a substack. anyone who feels lonely. anyone who feels hopeful! anyone confined to bed. anyone looking for new friends. music lovers. book lovers. movie lovers. artists. mathematicians. engineers. scientists. teachers. social workers. tech company consultants. queer people. straight people. i-don’t-know-who-i-am people. i’m-just-starting-to-figure-it-out people. YOU. <3

not sure you wanna sign up yet? read full course description HERE

wanna know when I teach this again? sign up for my newsletter here — it’s free!

Queen Lili’uokalani’s quilt, made each day during house arrest, 1895