Photo: Adeliza Backus-Pace, 2024

Carter St Hogan is a trans nonbinary writer, musician, educator, and multidisciplinary artist. Of their debut short story collection, One or Several Deserts (11:11 Press, 2023), Garielle Lutz says it represents “some of the most dazzling prose I have read in quite some time,” and Fernando A. Flores called it a “not-to-miss, startling debut.” They received their MFA in Literary Arts from Brown University in 2016. Their work has appeared in places like McSweeney’s, Nat. Brut Magazine, and Best American Experimental Writing.

As Creekbed Carter, they’ve been featured by NPR and perform a combination of folk music, trans clowning, and storytelling on national and international stages alike, and critics have summarized their music as “open-road mysticism, brokenhearted yearning, and laugh-out-loud wit.”

Carter currently lives between Minneapolis, MN and Austin, TX, and they’re bad at growing tomatoes in both places.